Unsurprisingly, U.S. manufacturing has taken a significant hit in the current environment. Regional Fed surveys are showing levels not seen since 2009, with New York posting a nearly 80% contraction this month. Still, production numbers declined less overall in March than might’ve been expected…could the same possibly hold true for April? The massive wave of unemployment claims has continued, though in slightly lower volume than previous weeks—is this reason for hope or simply a sign of overwhelmed state offices? This could also quickly reverse, since the ($349 billion) Paycheck Protection Program stimulus for small businesses is already tapped… OPEC+ has reached a historic deal to slash production in a bid to salvage unstable prices, but investors don’t appear reassured and prices have continued to sink. Meanwhile, China’s economy looks to have sprung back to life as demand for key resources such as steel and coal reignites. Unfortunately, air pollution looks to have tagged along for the ride. While a good sign for the economy, scientists are bracing for secondary waves of infection as activity picks up… Finally, new cases look to have peaked in Europe and we hope to keep it that way!
1. We all new this was coming…it’s amazing we only went down 6.3% from February to March!

Source: WSJ Daily Shot, from 4/16/20
2. Here is the NY Fed’s April report…

Source: WSJ Daily Shot, from 4/16/20
3. Another 5 million job losses is not exactly “good,” but perhaps “better.” A caution that Good Friday and overwhelmed state unemployment offices may cause last week to be understated…

Source: WSJ Daily Shot, from 4/17/20
4. Since about half of U.S. employment is with small businesses, is the $2.2 trillion going to be enough or in the right place? One bank, Chase, had 60,000 small businesses apply…in the first 5 minutes!

Source: WSJ Daily Shot, from 4/17/20
5. U.S. banks are, quite wisely, preparing for the inevitable…

Source: WSJ Daily Shot, as of 4/16/20
6. Back to the other black swan, even with a 9.3 million barrels a day cut, the markets do not think it is enough to boost price…

Source: WSJ Daily Shot, 4/16/20
7. If demand is too low and price falls below production costs (which it has for practically all U.S. shale wells), then supply will fall commensurately…

Source: WSJ Daily Shot, 4/16/20
8. Not part of the production cut deal is the Saudi price discount…

Source: WSJ Daily Shot, from 4/16/20
9. May this be the worst of it…

Source: WSJ Daily Shot, from 4/14/20
10. Peripheral evidence shows China’s economy in full recovery…

Source: WSJ Daily Shot, from 4/17/20
11. But the reprieve for mother nature is also over…

Source: WSJ Daily Shot, from 4/17/20
12. Good news in Europe…new cases appear to have peaked…

Source: WSJ Daily Shot, from 4/14/20
13. As we covered on our quarterly call…Will there be a second wave?

Source: WSJ Daily Shot, from 4/17/20
14. No, this is not “just like the flu…”

Source: WSJ Daily Shot, from 4/16/20