Smart Portfolios for Diversifying Your Exposure
We are living in an increasingly connected world with information flowing faster than ever. Markets adjust much more rapidly to good and bad news than they did in the past, with ready access to vast amounts of data and the technology needed to quickly analyze and act on it. It is becoming near impossible for humans to keep track of the shifting patterns and act quickly enough to take advantage.
Using proprietary machine-learning technology, BCM’s opportunistic strategies seek to provide a tactical edge to a strategic allocation portfolio by acting nimbly to help enhance risk-adjusted returns, manage overall portfolio volatility and smooth the ride for investors.
While risk management is foundational to all BCM strategies, they pursue growth as the primary objective. BCM’s strategies can provide a tactical edge when paired with a strategic portfolio.
BCM’s strategies seek to combine machine learning technology and principles of behavioral finance to capitalize on alpha opportunities and manage risk while removing bias and emotion.
Smoother Ride
BCM’s disciplined systems are designed to provide a smooth ride across diverse market environments while seeking to maximize risk adjusted returns and improve the investment experience.
Investment Solutions
One of our core beliefs is that while market patterns may change, the patterns of human behaviors and biases will not. Our quantitatively driven investment solutions seek to remove emotions from the investment decision making process and provide a smooth ride for investors—consistent returns with less volatility.
We offer multiple portfolio solutions to help investors achieve this, each deploying a varying approach to risk management.
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This website has been independently produced by Beaumont Capital Management LLC. Beaumont Capital Management LLC is independent of, and has no affiliation with, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. or any of its affiliates (“Schwab”). Schwab is a registered broker-dealer and member SIPC. Schwab has not created, supplied, licensed, endorsed, or otherwise sanctioned these materials nor has Schwab independently verified any of the information in them. Beaumont Capital Management provides investment solutions, while Schwab maintains custody of assets in a brokerage account and will effect transactions for accounts on instruction.