The Players Behind a 401(k) Plan

May 24, 2018 | COMMENTARY

Sources and Disclosures:

¹“How large are 401(k)s? ” ICI – 401(k) Plan Research: Policy Priorities, Investment Company Institute

Droblyen, Eric. “Understanding a 401(k) Plan’s Fiduciary Hierarchy Can Make It Easier for Employers To Meet Fiduciary Responsibilities.” 401(k) Plans for Small Businesses with Employee Fiduciary

The information presented in this report is based on data obtained from third party sources. Although it is believed to be accurate, no representation or warranty is made as to its accuracy or completeness.

The CIF is not a mutual fund. Its shares are not deposits of Hand Benefits & Trust Company, a BPAS company, or Beaumont Capital Management (BCM), and are not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other agency.

The BCM DynamicBelay® Funds are collective investment funds (CIFs) created by the Hand Composite Employee Benefit Trust and sponsored by Hand Benefits & Trust Company, a BPAS company. The CIFs invest in the strategies of Beaumont Capital Management which serves as the subadvisor through the BCM DynamicBelay® Target Date Funds. 
