Leveraging quantitative methods, we seek to remove emotions and biases from investment decisions.
Smart Portfolios For Diversifying Your Exposure
BCM provides quantitatively rooted growth strategies that respond nimbly to changing markets. Fundamentals, economics, geopolitics and technology are constantly changing, but the way investors react to events and information has largely been the same. Human biases and emotional reactions may create distinguishable patterns and investment opportunities that can be exploited by quantitative models, helping to capitalize on the subtle and irrational behavior of market participants.
All of BCM’s products are built on systems engineered to recognize patterns more quickly than a human and make portfolio changes at timely moments to benefit from the system’s foresight.
Firm History
In 2009, BCM was created to deliver growth strategies that seek to remove emotion from the investment decision-making process and help provide a smoother investment experience to advisors and institutions.
In 2020, BCM was spun off from incubator firm and registered investment advisor, Beaumont Financial Partners, to enable greater flexibility in product offerings and business strategy. Then, in 2022, BCM was acquired by long time business partner and technology provider Algorithmic Investment Models (AIM), for the first-time bringing technology and research under the same roof as management and distribution. Both BCM and AIM remain independent businesses solely owned by the same new holding company, Algorithmic Research + Trading.
Our Edge
Machine Learning History
BCM has been delivering machine learning driven portfolio strategies since 2012; AIM founder Todd Rice has been managing portfolios using quantitative and fundamental approaches since 1987. In 1998, Todd began developing the machine learning technology that powers the Decathlon strategies, for which he and AIM Co-Founder and ART advisory board member, Gordon Bennett, have two patents.
Unique Perspective
Our quantitative models are designed with a fundamental and behavioral point of view, and as a result, are built on unique datasets intended to capture subtle but powerful market patterns.
Consultative Relationship Management
Our regional consultants and portfolio management team are available to consult with current and potential investors about how best to use our products to smooth their clients’ ride and seek sources of uncorrelated alpha.
Engineered for a Smooth Ride
The algorithms underlying the investment technology driving BCM’s portfolio strategies were built using proprietary optimization methods that seek to limit volatility while maximizing risk-adjusted returns.
Market Insights
Access BCM Strategies:
Our strategies are available on the following Third Party Asset Management Platforms (TAMPs) and custodians. Through these, we are accessible to hundreds of broker dealer clients and virtually any investor.
If you don’t see your preferred TAMP, broker dealer or custodian, fill out this form to find out how best to access BCM.