By Asset Class


All of BCM’s equity strategies are tactical strategies that seek growth in healthy markets but have the ability to get out of the way of failing markets or asset classes.

BCM U.S. Sector Rotation

This 100% U.S. equity strategy invests in the sectors of S&P 500® Index, and uses cash to get out of the way. The strategy can go to 100% cash if conditions warrant.



BCM Global Sector Rotation

This 100% global equity strategy invests in the sectors of the S&P Global 1200 Index, and uses cash to get out of the way. The strategy can go to 100% cash if conditions warrant.



BCM Diversified Equity

Investing 100% in global equity, the strategy has a target allocation of 70% U.S. core equity, 15% international equity and 15% global macro equity. Each allocation can go to 100% cash.



BCM Paradigm Tactical Factor Selection

Smart Beta Pursuing Alpha™. Smart beta by itself still exposes investors to broad market risks. Applying a quantitative, rules-based process to smart bata (factor) ETFs can seek alpha, but still get out of the way in severe down markets by using cash.



BCM Olympian Dynamic Equity

This strategy is strategic in asset allocation (100% equity) but tactical in the implementation of the investment decision making process. Using a purely quantitative process, the strategy seeks to predict desirable patterns in it’s universe of equity ETFs, and invest in those presenting the best opportunities.


BCM offers several strategies that have diversified target allocations providing exposure to multiple asset classes, but can tactically adjust within each allocation. We also offer “go anywhere” strategies that seek the best opportunities in any asset class, and no allocation restrictions.

BCM Growth

Having an overall target allocation of 80% Equity/20% Fixed Income, this strategy invests in U.S. core equity, international equity, global macro equity and high quality fixed income. Each allocation can go to 100% cash.



BCM Moderate Growth

Having an overall target allocation of 65% Equity/35% Fixed Income, this strategy invests in U.S. core equity, international equity, global macro equity and high quality fixed income. Each allocation can go to 100% cash.



BCM Decathlon Strategies

The BCM Decathlon Strategies uses pattern recognition technology to identify patterns in the historical price and volatility data of each ETF in it’s universe. The universe is carefully managed and includes ETFs representing virtually every asset class. The strategies will typically invest in what it determines to be the best opportunities within the managed universe of ETFs while still adhering to specific maximum volatility and maximum drawdown targets for each strategy within the series.

Saving for retirement is more important than ever. Too many American’s have little or no savings, and we no longer can rely on social security. We offer Retirement Solutions that can help you save intelligently through the ability to get defensive in both equity and bonds.

The BCM DynamicBelay® Target Date Funds

As an industry, we have learned over time that the first generation of target date funds have many short comings including high costs, their inability to play defense, not to mention potential conflicts of interest present with bundled solutions. BCM and DOL agree that the industry needs to look to a new kind of target date fund that addresses many of the key issues. Our target date funds are designed to be lower cost, play real defense and put clients first.



The BCM Standalone Collective Investment Funds (CIF)

The two BCM standalone CIFs can be included in a plan’s investment palette for those participants that want to build their own allocation. These two CIFs are based on our BCM U.S. Sector Rotation and BCM Decathlon Growth Tactics portfolios.

